Sustainable human exploration of the Moon

NASA is on track for sustainable human exploration of the Moon for the first time in history. Commercial Human Lander systems NASA has selected three U.S. companies to design and develop human landing systems (HLS) for the Artemis program, one of which will land on the surface of the Moon by 2024.  The human landing system awards … Lire la suite Sustainable human exploration of the Moon


Last News : While DAVINCI+ and VERITAS missions have been selected by NASA and ENVISION by ESA, Privately-funded Venus probes are under design in order to search for life in clouds of sulfuric acid on Earth’s Sibling Planet. There needs to be confirmation that in fact phosphine is truly present in Venus’ atmosphere and to … Lire la suite Venus

To remember our interstellar travellers

Could we forget Pioneer 10  (1972), Pioneer 11 (1973), Voyager 1 (1977), Voyager 2 (1977)? They are all the ambassadors of our Humanity, capable of reaching interstellar space, the unknown, beyond the Kuiper Belt and the Oort Cloud. New Horizons (2006) is going to follow their paths after the spectacular flyby of Pluto. Moreover we … Lire la suite To remember our interstellar travellers

Space Policy and Strategy

ESA Space StrategyDirector General’s Annual Press Conference, Paris, 18 January 2022, Josef Aschbacher ESA wants to accelerate Europe’s access to space Paris, 19 January 2022. – The European Space Agency (ESA) wants to accelerate the use of space in Europe with an annual budget of € 7.15 billion, the agency said. The largest envelopes are … Lire la suite Space Policy and Strategy


  Besides lunar missions, successful soft landings have been performed on a very limited list of planets or moons : Venus, Mars and Titan. Although NASA has historically struggled with Venus missions and focused on exploring Mars instead, Roscosmos has faced the reverse situation, having « really succeeded in smacking the surface of Venus with a … Lire la suite Landers

Alien life

Looking for Alien life could start in Solar System while we are exploring Moons with subsurface ocean like Europa, Enceladus or Ganymede or with atmosphere considered similar to that of the early Earth like Titan. Then recent discoveries of exoplanets and exomoons open up infinite possibilities. List of landings on extraterrestrial bodies Access to the … Lire la suite Alien life

Spaceflights planning and other events on Universe

Space Flights Launch schedule SpaceX Crew Dragon: The first crewed test flight, called Demo-2, is currently scheduled for the first quarter of 2020. It will carry NASA astronauts Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley to and from the ISS. Events on Universe For the first time, astronomers are confidently predicting that a specific stellar system will … Lire la suite Spaceflights planning and other events on Universe