Space, the new ecosystem

The space industry is continuing its widespread transformation, as the last decade has seen a number of young companies begin to seek to profit in an area where most of the money was made from military contracts or expensive communications satellite.

The estimated $400 billion space economy is still largely dominated by large aerospace and defense companies, serving government-funded interests. Investors say that’s changing, but One Web company has recently failed to secure new funding from investors including its biggest backer, SoftBank, and went bankrupt. Wall Street’s consensus is that space will become a multitrillion-dollar economy in the next 10 to 20 years.

NewSpace: The « Emerging » Commercial Space Industry

NewSpace The emerging commercial space industry

A lecture on NewSpace: The « Emerging » Commercial Space Industry, by Gary Martin SSP14 NASA Ames Research Center

Key elements and Examples are given to define

The different regimes where commercial space is starting to take hold ;                                 The areas where entrepreneurial companies are developing new markets ;
The companies that are examples of the commercial space revolution ;
The way to facilitate the birth of this new industry.

The Space Economy in Figures by OECD

The OECD is a unique forum where governments work together to address the economic, social and environmental challenges of globalisation. The OECD is also at the forefront of efforts to understand and to help governments respond to new developments and concerns, such as corporate governance, the information economy and the challenges of an ageing population.

the space economy in figures by OECD
How Space contributes to the gobal economy
The space economy is expanding and becoming increasingly global, driven by the development of ever-more governmental space programmes around the world, the multiplication of commercial actors in value chains, durable digitalisation trends, and new space systems coming of age. This report describes these emerging trends using new and internationally comparable data and indicators. It highlights the growing importance of space activities for the economy, for developing country strategies (based on original official development assistance statistics), for the pursuit of knowledge and scientific discoveries, and for society in general. To get the most out of space investments and promote sustained socio-economic growth, this report provides some recommendations to countries in building up their statistical evidence on space actors and activities.

The future of the European Space Sector

couts des lancements

Figure: Dropping specific launch costs for the next generation of launchers, Goldman Sachs (2017).

the future of the european space sector

How to leverage Europe’s technological leadership and boost investments for space ventures endorsed by European Commission and European Investment Bank 2019, prepared by Innovation Finance Advisory in collaboration with the European Investment Advisory Hub, part of the European Investment Bank’s advisory services:

« Europe has historically been at the forefront of space exploration, investing massively in space infrastructures such as in the Copernicus and Galileo programmes. It still boasts academic and scientific excellence but it is at risk of losing out on the next wave of space innovation unless it seizes the opportunity to stimulate more investment in the new space sector. »


Op-ed | The space industry: A closer look at the new ecosystem

nas technologies

…Just like the first pioneers who crossed the western plains of the United States looking for new places to settle, space for us has been an alien place; something we have had to wrestle, conquer, and with great fortitude plan to engage with…It is time for us, the traditional space community, to recognize that a wider community has shed the mythology and thinks about space as merely another place to do business; as an environment similar to a desert, the ocean, a large city, where people want to come and do “something…

An investor’s guide to space, Wall Street’s next trillion-dollar industry

As both aerospace giants and private capital continue to invest billions of dollars in new technologies and opportunities, public investors should know the biggest players in the space business.

Here is your guide to investing in space right now, with insight on the top space companies from analysts and investors.

Shannon Saccocia, chief investment officer at Boston Private, told CNBC she recognizes the space industry is largely government-driven at the moment and is looking for more companies to come to market.

I think that space is more than just a government-funded pursuit; it needs to be more of a privatized venture. My hope is that this will fund some additional social impact,” Saccocia said. “There is a desire for this to be treated more as an opportunity for companies to benefit the social good, rather than something that needs to be protected from a national security perspective, which I still think that space falls into that paradigm.”

The commercial spaceflight federation

commercial spaceflight federation

The mission of the Commercial Spaceflight Federation (CSF) is to promote the development of commercial human spaceflight, pursue ever-higher levels of safety, and share best practices and expertise throughout the industry.

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